Santana Tandems

Instead of renting a tandem or borrowing from a friend, try to test ride at a Santana dealer. If you haven't ridden a tandem, get ready for fun.

Santana TestcenterBecause we want your first tandem ride to be safe, instructive and enjoyable, every Santana dealer is trained from us to help you with your initial tandem experience.

With a proper introduction, it's easy to captain a Santana, and even easier to be a stoker. Even if you have already some tandem experience we have still some new things to make tandeming easier and more fun. I learned a lot from Santana even I rode a tandem for 7 years and more than 20.000 km before.

Is a test ride necessary?

While Santana´s formal road tests reveal enormous differences in the capabilities or various tandems, all tandems feel adequate on a casual test ride. Because of this, every year hundreds of tandem buyers make uninformed choices. Of the maybe 10.000 bike shops in Europe, only 50 specialise in tandems. Because Santana dealers must invest in training, service and inventory, more often than not, it is the smaller shops (where the owners and employees own and ride tandems themselves) who become Santana dealers - you will not find Santana´s at large metro shops.

Even if you are not sure you want a Santana, call us for the phone number of the nearest Santana dealer and the names of tandem experts on their staff. By booking an appointment to test ride, the shop can schedule the undivided personal attention of a knowledgeable expert. Over the phone, they will need to know what size you require, and the models and styles you are interested in - this way the most appropriate tandems will be ready. When you arrive for your appointment (don't forget your shoes and helmet), you won't get a sales pitch. Instead, in a well-known process developed by Bill McCready, the tandem expert will take each of you on the back of a tandem for a fun introductory ride to demonstrate the things you'll need to know. Following this personalised introduction to tandeming, you are ready to enjoy extended rides together.

By the way, because an awkward experience on a lesser tandem may dissuade you or your partner from looking further. So even if you wish to ride other brands, models and price ranges, make sure your first ride on a Santana - no tandem is easier and safer to ride. Even if it means spending a weekend travelling to the nearest Santana dealer, this is normally your best course. However, if you aren't lucky enough to live in an area where Santana has found a qualified dealer, we are prepared to work with you on a direct retail basis. In these situation, we sell you a tandem with any accessories and custom modifications.

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